Sylvania 9007SU BP SilverStar Ultra High Performance Halogen Headlight - Pack of 2
I recently purchased a 2007 Nissan Frontier SE pick-up. I noticed it had the reflective headlights when I purchased it, but thought no furthur about it until my first night back roads(dark) drive. We have a lot of deer in the area, and hardly a night goes by that I do not have them cross the road in front of me. I could not see more than 100 feet in front of me on dim and about 125 feet on bright, it seemed, and was hesitant to drive more than 30-35 mph. I found myself ducking down to try to see under the light/dark edge. I was amazed to hear my wife describe the same feeling. I hated to drive at night. I contacted the local Nissan dealer and asked if the lights could be adjusted. The service manager acted like I was crazy and said they had not had this problem before, and was no help at all. I contacted Nissan headquarters who were even less help. They told me to contact the local dealers who were independently owned, and would be glad to furnish me a list of the area dealers. What a joke. I asked for help to solve a serious problem to me and got the brush off from Nissan on what I considered a serious design problem. I have a friend who has a Titan and does not have the reflective type lights and has no problems. So, Internet here I come. I found the Sylvania Silverstar Ultra lights, and started reading the reviews. Almost all were raves about how much it helps night driving. So, I decided to purchase some. BEST PURCHASE I HAVE MADE IN SOME TIME!!!! These lights made night driving so much easier. I can now see down the road. I would recommend these lights, and have, to anyone who feels their night vision is impaired by insufficient lighting by their automobile. Thanks Sylvania for fixing my problem.
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